Why preorder ?

It might seem a little bit of a bummer ordering something today, and wait for months till it arrives at your door. So why pre-order ? 

Every year, the amount of dead stock arises alarmingly in the fashion industry. Overproduction leads to tons of clothes lying around, that will eventually be thrown away in the end, and in many cases, burnt down. Of course, this implies wasted fabric, dyes, environmental impacts and so on.


At DIANE Paris, we put so much effort in sourcing ethic and sustainable fabrics, choose the best suppliers that sticks to our values, that if all this work ends up as waste, it would all be useless in the end. 

What is the solution ? We prevent this to happen.


Through our Pre-Order system, we can estimate how many pieces we are going to sell for each product: we therefore produce, what we sell. You can now pre-order as many items as you like, without worring about out of stock issues : your garment will be produce just for you. However, if you prefer to wait for the collection to eventually reach the shop and be available for direct order, be aware that the amount of stock available will be very low. So make sure you want to take the risk ! 

This does not only lead to higher resource efficiency and prevents the senseless wastage of raw materials, it also allows you to support us as a young brand in the making, and together build the future of sustainable luxury, by allowing us to present you new dazzling collections every season!


If you have questions about this system, don’t hesitate to contact DIANEPARISPRESSE@GMAIL.COM.


Le Cupro : une fibre éco-responsable


Pourquoi précommander?